By accepting membership in the SRSL, each league and all of its members agree to follow the rules and regulations of the SRSL. It is an obligation, responsibility and requirement that each member abides and pledges to follow the rules as well as the spirit of the Laws of Soccer so that the goals and philosophies of the SRSL shall not be compromised.
2.0.1 The final authority as to the interpretation of the rules, laws, etc of the SRSL rests with the SRSL Board. The SRSL rules apply to all SRSL games; "In House" or "Home Field" rules are voided, banned, and not permitted within any SRSL games.
- Any, all variances to the Rules, Addenda, etc. of the SRSL must be submitted in writing (via email), addressed to the SRSL Board for their approval.
2.0.2 The SRSL reserves the authority to make rules governing its age groups, divisions, and team and league eligibility.
2.0.3 The decisions of the SRSL Board in placing any team in an age bracket are final and may not be appealed or disputed.
2.0.4 Age groups may be combined, as seem fitting by the SRSL.
2.0.5 The agreements reached between the coaches in the presence of the referee before the game starts, are in affect for the entire game, and cannot be modified, altered or rescinded for the duration of the game.
2.1.0 - General Information for Leagues, Players, Coaches and Spectators
- 2.1.1 The moving up and down the length of the touchline for coaching and instructing players is not permitted. It is strongly suggested that coaches and substitute players remain within the 10 yard technical area so designated by the referee. The exception would be for substitute player(s). If instructed by the referee to remain within this area, the instructions are not open to a challenge, and disagreement can be interpreted as dissent.
- 2.1.2 Spectators are required to remain at least 5 feet back from the touchline on their side of the field to give the assistant referee (linesperson) room.
- 2.1.3 Fighting, either on or on the sidelines, physical/verbal assault on the referee shall be considered as sufficient cause for the referee to immediately suspend the game.
- 2.1.4 Any club (League) whose team has been suspended may be put on probation.
- 2.1.5 Each team should be prepared to provide an individual capable of following the play to serve as a linesperson.
- 2.1.6 Any own-goals scored by a team to circumvent the goal differential provision could result in a forfeit, and or a loss of all points for that game, with a possibility of losing additional points from the accumulated total.
- 2.1.7 It is an SRSL requirement to register a city (community) league, in the fall for the fall and spring session. It is not acceptable for guest leagues to participate in the fall only or the spring only.
- Changes in coaches or teams must be updated immediately, in a timely manner.
- Teams must be kept intact between the fall and spring session. Teams shall be formed for the beginning of the fall session and shall remain intact for and including the spring session.
- The players, once assigned to a specific team, shall remain on that team for the fall and spring.
- Re-forming of teams or wholesale re-assignment of players from one team to another is not permitted only in the Spring Seaon due to additional registrations and the need to create a new team.
- Permanent Moving or transferring players between teams is prohibited without the written consent of the SRSL Board.
- Non-compliance shall be viewed as a serious violation of the pledge and privilege of membership in the SRSL, and shall be treated as such.
- 2.2.1 The referee will give permission for player substitution to a coach by making an obvious, distinct or audible signal for the substitutions to start.
- Substitutions may be made after this signal, and before:
- A throw in by the team in possession, only then the oppossing team may also sub 1 for 1. In extreme heat, by either team.
- A goal kick by either team
- After a goal is scored by either team
- For the start of a quarter, or after half-time
- On an injury time out, limited to one-for-one, by both teams
- When a player has been cautioned, but only the cautioned player must be replaced
- If a player is asked to be removed by the referee, even if not cautioned.
- 2.3.1 The ruling, opinion, declaration, decision and authority shall not be challenged, nor may the referee's judgment be appealed. Be advised that an expression of disagreement with the decision of the referee may be deemed as dissent, and invoke the appropriate consequence.
- 2.3.2 The referee is not required or obligated to warn a coach, player or spectator before being asked to leave the field or the surrounding area.
- 2.3.3 Players and coaches only, have the privilege of being issued a yellow/red card.
Disciplinary situations will be addressed by the cities involved and the person being disciplined. Both team coaches and the referee must submit the Incident Report to the cities involved in a timely manner.
- 2.4.1 Definitions for:
- Physical abuse - Striking or the verbal threat to strike, unwelcome touching will not be tolerated. Any physical abuse by a spectator, coach, player or referee against any coach, spectator player or referee, whether it occurs before, during or after the game, will result in the immediate ban of the offending person from any SRSL future games, and this incident may be referred to the appropriate civil authorities for consideration of any legal action. (cities notified)
- Verbal Abuse - A verbal attack is defined as insulting in nature, of obscene or offensive nature, being excessive or sustained. The seriousness of the misconduct, as determined by the cities involved, shall dictate the severity of discipline imposed.
- Suspension - The stopping, excluding or barring from continuing to play or participate in any additional SRSL activity.
- Probation - Is the conditional abeyance of the suspension of a team for misconduct or other SRSL rule violations. It is an SRSL requirement that for the period of probation, the team (coach) shall be permitted to participate in games, but only if the city/club director or representative is personally at the site to observe and supervise these games
- Select; for the purposes of the SRSL shall include, but is not limited to mean to chose or pick out from among others, as for desirability, superiority, or to gain an unfair advantage.
- Timely Manner - For purposes of the SRSL, "timely manner" shall
mean within 3 days.
- One week - Shall be viewed as 7 days. Since game day is considered to be Day 1, a week is intended to end on midnight of the 7th day, i.e. A must reschedule Saturday game would have a rescheduled deadline of Midnight of the following Friday
- Coaching is considered to be, and is not limited to:
- Giving instructions to a player on the field
- Guiding a player to a specific direction
- Communicating knowledge to a player
- Advising a player in their movements, etc.
- 2.4.2 - Incidents
- By Spectator(s) initial incident:
- During the course of the game: On any initial (first) incident, directed toward a referee, player, coach, or other spectator, the referee will stop the game to warn the coach to advise this spectator to cease immediately.
- Before the game begins: The referee will warn the coach to instruct the coach to warn the spectator.
- Following the game: If this incident occurs after the game, the referee and coach will notify the cities involved and it will be considered as the initial incident of the member team's next game.
- by a Spectator, a repeat offense during the same game:
- At the discretion of the referee, the game will be stopped, and the team associated with the spectator will forfeit the match. The name of the abusive person will be provided to the referee. Failure to provide the name will cause the team to be suspended until this person is identified in writing to the cities involved.
- By a Spectator, second incidents during a future match:
If another incident of verbal abuse occurs during the course of another match by the same offender during the same season, the result will be the suspension of that person. This suspension will be for the remainder of the season. If the incident occurs in the last match of the season, the suspension will be for the entire next season.
- by a spectator, a third incident during a future game:
An incident of abuse by the same or different spectator will result in the team being suspended for the remainder of the season, and if the occurrence is the last game of the season, the entire next season.
- By a Coach or Referee
- An initial incident of verbal abuse:
This first incident directed toward any player, coach, referee, or spectator, the coach or referee shall report this behavior to the cities involved using the Incident Report system. The cities will notify the offender of the charges, and shall, at minimum, caution this individual against any future similar misconduct.
- A second Incident of verbal abuse:
This subsequent incident at a future game by the same coach or referee during the same season will result in the suspension of this individual from coaching/officiating league games for the remainder of the season. And if the transgression occurs in the last game of the season, the suspension will be for the entire next season.
- A third Incident of verbal abuse:
If a third incident occurs in the same season, the coach or referee can be suspended, relieved of duties, and banned from SRSL games for a period of 5 years or more.
- 2.4.3 The SRSL Board reserve the right to review the conduct of coaches, players, referees, and spectators. These matters are of profound interest to the SRSL, but in the case of a referee, the remedy will never include changing the result of a game.
- 2.4.4 Any game suspended or abandoned by a referee after the second half kick off for other reasons, such as order, control, misconduct, etc. will be reported to the cities involved. Those cities will determine the outcome, and the final score based on its review of the referee report.
- 2.4.5 The home team must schedule a make up game within the time frame specified in Rule 1.2.0. A team that fails to show for this said rescheduled game will forfeit this game by 0-4. If both teams fail to show for this game, it shall be considered as a double forfeit, and both teams shall lose one (1) point in their total win/loss earned points.
- 2.5.1 The referee in the SRSL has the authority to issue both yellow and red cards at any time he is on the field he has been assigned to officiate. His authority is from the time he arrives, to the time he leaves the soccer field.
- He does not have to warn a player or a coach before a caution (yellow) or an ejection (red) card is issued. Normally, a card will be shown but it is not necessary for the referee to "card" in order for disciplinary action to be taken.
- Players and coaches only, have the privilege of being issued a yellow/red card.
- 2.5.2 The SRSL Board reserves the right to take action with or without warning against any offender, be it sole, repeat, habitual or ongoing. Such action may include, and is not limited to, a phone call to the city league, the coach, or the responsible person.
- It could be a letter of warning, a reprimand, or a request to a disciplinary review. However it is not necessary for any form of warning to occur before a sterner disciplinary act is taken when deemed necessary by the the SRSL Board.
- The SRSL reserves the right & authority to suspend or remove any participant, spectator, player or coach for up to 30 years. Please note that any disciplinary action for infractions mentioned elsewhere in the SRSL rules, etc, are stated as a minimum.
- Misconduct will be evaluated on its own basis, and there is no appeal to authoritative example. If a coach is dismissed or removed from a match, (for an infraction-disciplinary action) the involved league will be notified. If the coach fails to observe the censure, that team will be barred from participating in any SRSL games for the remainder of the season.
- The coach is responsible for the conduct of his players, spectators and guests during the course of the game. This includes the time before and after the game.
- A coach can be removed (dismissed) from a match for failure to support the referee in controlling the spectators, players, or someone associated with his (her) team in any capacity.
- The Coach's Game Report is the means to convey displeasure with a game. This includes dissatisfaction with the performance, but not the judgment, of the referee. Ejections, dismissals, or Red Cards issued to a member or associate member by the referee for harassment, dissent, or unsporting conduct shall not be tolerated by the SRSL and as such, shall be treated sternly and receive no sympathy from the Board.
2.6.0 PROTEST(s) and or APPEALS
Protest(s) and or Appeals must be submitted via email, and addressed to the cities involved or the SRSL Board
- 2.6.1 Protests or disagreement
- The SRSL Board shall be responsible for dealing with all written protests.
- All protests to/for any corrective or disciplinary action must be submitted in writing within a timely manner addressed to the SRSL Board.
- The decisions of the referee, his judgment, rendered within the authority outlined by the Laws of FIFA and the rules of the SRSL, are not open to challenge or protest.
- 2.6.2 APPEALS Only the SRSL Board rulings may be appealed. (Referee decisions, rendered within the confines of the game, shall not be appealed)
- A request for an appeal must be made in writing - sent to the SRSL Board.
- After receipt of the written appeal, the Board may decide to invite the person appealing and a witness, along with their respective league representative, to attend the hearing of this appeal. A time and place may be set aside at its meeting to hear this appeal.
- At this procedure, the appealing person, the witness and their league representative will have 5 minutes each to present their statement and or submit supporting written documents.
- Since this procedure is a request for a change in a decision that had already been rendered, the total time for this will be 30 minutes.
- Members of the Board are at liberty to ask questions pertaining only to the subject matter.
- The results of this appeal will be transmitted to the person who appealed and their League representative within 21 days of the meeting.
2.7.0 The SRSL Board reserves the right to suspend or alter any time constraints, restrictions or procedures, if it feels that to do so would serve a better good or serve the best interest of its members. The decision to suspend, remove, or alter/change, lies within the responsibility of the Board and is not guaranteed or assured.
Amended and Ratified by the SRSL Board at the General Meeting
Summer 2018